Class – 3; Maths; Unit Test – 1







Megha Modi


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Class – 3; Maths; Unit Test – 1

Shamrock Prerna School

I – Unit Test

Class – III

Subject – Maths

                                                                                                                                                                                                  M.M. – 20


Q1. Count the beads on each spike of the Abacus and write the numbers in standard form, word form and expanded form.  (1½ x 2 =3)




Q2. Write the largest 4 – digit number.  (1)


Q3. Complete the pattern: (1 x2 = 2)

i) 300, 310, 320, ___, ____

ii) 1001, 1002, 1003, _____, _____


Q4. Compare and put >, <, =:    (½ x 4 = 2)

i) 2500 ____ 6215

ii) 324 _____ 3240

iii) 4562 _____4562

iv) 7810 ____ 7820


Q5. Complete the table:   (1 x2 = 2)






ii)         7462

Q6. Write the place value of coloured digit:  (½ x 2 = 1)

i) 7826

ii) 432


Q7. Arrange the following in Ascending order: (1)

456, 23, 7861, 103


Q8. Arrange the following in Descending order: (1)

1004, 342, 2568, 872


Q9. Circle the largest number:  (1)

7846,      7346,      7924


Q10. Circle the smallest number:  (1)

4612,        2541,      6543


Q11. Form the smallest 4 – digit number using the given digits: (½ x 2 = 1)

i) 4, 0, 2, 8          ii) 9, 3, 8, 4


Q12. Form the largest 4 – digit number using the given digits:    (½ x 2 = 1)

i) 4, 8, 5, 2           ii) 0, 2, 9, 8

Q13.  Fill in the blanks:       (½ x 4 = 2)

i) Successor of 7524 is _______.

ii) Standard form of 5 thousand 2 hundred 0 tens 7 ones is _______.

iii) Face Value of 8 in 786 is ____.

iv) 584 = ___ hundreds      ____ tens      _____ ones


Q14.   4,872 tickets were sold on Friday and 4,978 tickets were sold on Saturday. On which day were more tickets sold?   (1)

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