Subject- Science
Unit Test -II
M.M- 20
Name –
Q1. Multiple Choice Questions (2)
i)Which of these animals has sharp pointed front teeth ?
c) Crow
d) Deer
ii) Which of these animals lives only on liquid food ?
iii) A bird has abroad , flat beak with holes on its sides .What kind of food do you think the bird eats ?
a)Flesh of animals
b) Seeds
c) Fruits
d) Insects in water.
iv)Which of these birds builds its nest on the ground ?
b) Woodpecker
c) Partridge
d) Tailor bird.
Q2. Write True or false (2)
i) Once a bird has made its nest ,it always lives in it .
ii) All birds can fly.
iii) Some animals do not chew their food at all.
iv) Butterflies eat small insects.
Q3. Name these :- (4)
i)A bird that sews leaves together to make its nests.______
ii)Fluffy feathers that keep a bird warm._______
iii)A bird that cannot fly _________
iv) A flesh -eating bird with a hook shaped , strong, sharp beak _________
Q4.Give two examples in each :- (2)
i) Herbivorous
ii) Carnivorous
Q5.Answer the following questions :- (10)
i)What is food chain ? Why do all food chains start with plants?
ii)How does a bird keep its eggs warm?
iii) How is a bird’s body suitable for flying ?
iv) What are the claws of an eagle called ? How do they help the eagle ?
v) How does a mosquito get its food ?