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Unit Test 3


Session – 2021-22

Monthly Unit Test – III

English                                                                                                                                                                  Class – I

Q1. Tick the correct answer. (½× 2=1)

  1.  The bird  drinks water from the

i) pot     ii) ground                     iii) well


  1. Amit’s father is a

i) farmer    ii) doctor                      iii) teacher


Q2. Write (T) for true and (F) for false sentences.  (½×2=1)


  1. Mala learns a lesson not to waste water. _____________


2. We should leave the tap open while brushing our teeth._____________


Q3. Write one word answer. (1×3=3)

  1. Who stich our clothes? _________________             2. Who cut our hairs? ____________________


3. Who brings letters?____________________


Q4. Write word meanings. (¼ × 4=1)

  1. Unhappy – ________________                                  2. Hungry- __________________

3. Ashamed-__________________                          4. Thirsty – __________________

Q5. Underline the Pronouns. (½ × 8=4)

  1. He likes to play cricket.
  2. It is a better dress.
  1. She is going to market.
  2. I am a student.
  3. We are friends.
  4. He is writing an essay.
  5. You are looking good.
  6. She is a beautiful girl.

Q6. Fill in the blanks with the correct feminine pair. (1×=8=8)

( aunt,  mother,           queen,            lioness,                       hen,     cow,    grandmother,              peahen.)

  1. King ______________ Cock ______________      3. Uncle _________________
  2. Grandfather __________ 5. Peacock _____________    6. Father _________________
  3. Bull _________________ 8. Lion ________________

Q7. Answer the following questions. (1×2=2)

  1. What should Mala do to save water?
  2. What lesson does Mala learn?

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