Class – VI Subject – Computer ( Unit Test – II )







Hansika Mishra


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Class – VI Subject – Computer ( Unit Test – II )

Shamrock Prerna School

II – Unit Test

Class – VI 

Subject – Computer

                                                                                                                                                                                                 M.M. – 10

Name –

A – Tick the correct answer :-   [ 4 × ½ = 2 ]

1. Are Temp Files unwanted files –

  • Yes

  • No

2. Which features enables you to create a point in computer :-

  • Disk Cleanup

  • System Restore

3. How many steps are there in System Restore ?

  • 1

  • 2

4. You can use Disk Cleanup feature on :-

  • Local Disk

  • Files

B – Write the shortcut keys of the following commands :-      [ 4 × 1 = 4 ]

  1. copy –

  2. save –

  3. cut –

  4. undo –

C – Define the following terms :- ( any one )     [ 1 × 1 = 1 ]

  1. Disk Cleanup

  2. Temp Files

D – Answer the following questions :- ( any two )   [ 2 × 1½ = 3 ]

Q1. Write the steps to clean Temp files.

Q2. Write the steps to create a System Restore point.

Q3. Write the steps to apply Disk cleanup to the Local Disk.

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