Session – 2021-22
Monthly Unit Test – III
Class – III
A – Fill in the blanks :- [ 4 ]
1. __________ grow naturally along the coastlines.
2. __________ and ___________ are the official languages of India.
3. _________ is a beautiful country.
4. The people of the country _________ the government.
B – Write True or False :- [ 2 ]
1. There are 20 states and 3 Union Territories.
2. Lakshadweep Islands are in the Arabian Sea.
3. Chandigarh is a Union Territory.
4. Mountains in the north are not very high.
C – Write the meaning of the following words :- [ 4 ]
1. heritage –
2. reside –
3. slants –
4. diversity –
D – Read the sentences and write the missing letters in the boxes :- [ 2 ]
1. The Southern plateau is surrounded by the B _ _ _ O _ B _ _ _ _ _L in the east.
2. The Himalayas are also the starting point of many important rivers like …Y _ _ _ N _
E – Write the capitals of the following states :- [ 4 ]
1. Goa –
2. Bihar –
3. Rajasthan –
4. Madhya Pradesh –
F – Answer the following questions :- ( any two ) [ 4 ]
1. Who elect the state government?
2. What are the six main physical features of India?
3. Who attacked India for its wealth?
4. What separates the Southern plateau from the Northern plains?